The news team sent each of the four major party leaders a list of 20 questions in an effort to help you, the voter, get to know them better. We asked about their favourite foods, their celebrity crushes and which of Ontario's NHL teams they support. Here is what Liberal Leader Dalton McGuinty had to say:

What are your middle names? James and Patrick

Do you have a nickname? Micky. My dad gave me the name. The funny thing is, our family dog is Mikki, so when Terri calls, we both answer.

Which politician, living or dead, do you most identify with and why? Gotta go with Sir Wilfrid Laurier. He said: "I am a Liberal. I am one of those who think that everywhere, in human things, there are abuses to be reformed, new horizons to be opened up and new forces to be developed."

Who is the love of your life? Terri McGuinty. We met in Grade 9. My smooth pickup line was, "Can I borrow a dime for the pop machine?" It was the best investment I ever made.

What was your first job? I was the butcher's assistant in a local grocery store.

What is your favourite movie? Field of Dreams. You could say it's the inspiration for our Green Energy Act -- build it and they will come.

What was the last book you read? Glass Castle

What is your favourite comfort food? Nachos. And I am very liberal with the cheese.

How do you like to unwind from a busy day? Believe it or not, I find doing chores around the house very relaxing. Also, watching the Sens.

What is your hidden talent? Canoeing. I go with my sons. No electronic devices. They feel cut off from civilization, and we haven't even left the parking lot.

Who is your celebrity crush? Jack Bauer, a great action hero.

What profession would you most like to try and why? I studied chemistry as an undergrad at McMaster and considered medicine. I was always proud that my mom was a nurse. I also took a year off after high school, working in a hospital that cared for veterans. It's an experience that's always stayed with me.

What is your favourite app? I love the Weather Network app.

Cats or dogs? Dogs

The Beatles or the Rolling Stones? Rolling Stones

Coffee or tea? Tea …but not the Tea Party.

Beer or wine? Beer

Three downs or four? Three periods.

Senators or Maple Leafs? I would cheer for any Ontario team as long as they are called the Senators. But really, I just want to see a Stanley Cup come to Ontario in my lifetime.

Who would play you in a movie of your life? Terri tells me it should be Brad Pitt, but only if Terri gets to play herself.